
Welcome from the Vicar

Come and see for yourself.

That’s the open-hearted invitation of the Gospel and St. Christopher’s. God invites everyone to find people, places, and spaces that are life-giving and affirming. The Episcopal Church is a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. It is a wonderful mix of ancient religious practices and the myriad present day approaches to spirituality and living lives of gratitude.

St. Christopher’s strives to be a place meeting you where you are in your journey – churched, no church, firm in beliefs, full of doubts. We take an active interest in the lives and wellbeing of those who God puts in our paths.

Entering into the Episcopal community you will experience markers that assist in steadying the waves of life. Like the seasons of weather, the church year has colors and poetic verses, scents and sights, tastes and textures that provide context for reflecting on the blessed assurance of Jesus Christ:  you and we are loved unconditionally, just as God created us. We can be vulnerable, be our true selves, actively working to see Christ in one another and in ourselves. We are the sacrament sent out into the world.

This is your personal invitation. Come and see for yourself.


Mother Beth+

The Reverend Beth P. Hendrix, Vicar


Welcome to St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church. Our Vicar, greeters, ushers, and mission committee members will be pleased to answer any questions you have about the worship service, our campus, family activities, and upcoming events.

Is St. Christopher’s the Right Church for You?

We will do our very best to help you answer that question for yourself and for your family.”

It is hard to know if this is the right church for you without knowing you.  But if you visit with us, we will do our very best to help you answer that question for yourself and for your family.  Moreover, whatever you decide, we will love you in the process.

One thing we do know for certain, a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord of your life will make a difference in your life as it has made a difference in the lives of others throughout the ages.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior.” (John 3:16-17)

Our Community

“You will find here, not only a place to fit in, but also a place to serve . . .We enjoy each other’s company.”

The St. Christopher’s community is characterized by a genuine spirit of warmth and welcome.  You will find here, not only a place to fit in, but also a place to serve in whatever way you are gifted and inspired to participate.

Our pastoral care team is amazing.  You’ll be cared for in times of illness or hardship.

Children and youth are an integral part of our community.  We love having little ones in church and we value the participation of youth in our worship.

Finally, we like to have fun.  We enjoy each other’s company and we love to laugh. We have a great coffee hour! There are a variety of ways to get to know members of the church outside of Sunday mornings.  There are small dinner groups that meet in one another’s homes and occasional social gatherings at the church.

No matter your age or life-circumstances, we hope you will come and experience worship in a traditional, reverent and inviting way – worship and belonging that can transform your life and your family.

 Worship and Spirituality in the Episcopal Tradition

“Each week you will experience wonderful music, relevant prayers, and preaching that speaks both to your mind and to your life.”

St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church is a worshiping and serving community of followers of Jesus Christ.  This church is part of the wider Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina, The Episcopal Church in the United States, and the world-wide Anglican Communion.

The Episcopal Church has deep roots in America that go back to our country’s founding.  Many of the colonists came out of the Church of England and were what we now call “Anglicans”. These historical and far-reaching connections mean that the St. Christopher’s is part of a vibrant, missional, world-wide community of Christians.

Our “style” of worship is both traditional and relevant.  We worship using the beautiful liturgy of The Book of Common Prayer. The form of our Sunday service is designed to help people of all backgrounds to encounter God and to make faith in Jesus Christ real for our lives out in the world beyond the church. In all things we acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

Each week you will experience wonderful music, relevant prayers, and preaching that speaks both to your mind and to your life. Our worship includes the sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Communion) which is a sign of God’s grace at work in us.

How We Encounter God

“We confess our sins, receive God’s forgiveness, depend upon the Holy Spirit for amendment of life, and do our best share life-giving grace with others both inside and beyond the church doors.”

We look to the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God and to the Old and New Testaments as containing all things necessary for salvation. We study Scripture, find it to be a source of comfort and direction, and we seek to apply its guidance to our lives.

We believe that Jesus Christ is “God with skin on” and that God in Christ is love.  That is to say, Jesus is God who came to dwell on earth, Jesus is God in our lives as the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is God who will come again to redeem the whole of the creation. In this trinitarian God is the manifestation of life-giving love.

Through faith in Jesus Christ – his life, death and resurrection, we rejoice in the grace that comes from knowing that we are reconciled to God and that the doors of eternal life are opened to us.

Though we readily acknowledge the reality of the wages of sin in our own lives and in the world, at the same time, we live fully in the reality of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the cross.  We confess our sins, receive God’s forgiveness, depend upon the Holy Spirit for amendment of life, and do our best share life-giving grace with others both inside and beyond the church doors.

You don’t have to sign a document or a statement of faith to be at home at St. Christopher’s or in the Episcopal Church.  Each week during our Sunday services and at other times, you will hear what we and other Episcopalians believe as we say and pray the historic creeds of Christianity; the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.

As you get to know this community, as you worship, pray and serve with us, you will begin to experience and live what we believe – that God who began a good work among us will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6, paraphrased).


Church Nursery


Every Sunday, children (birth to age 5) may be brought to the nursery in the administration building from 9:45-10am for supervised play. Children will return to their parents in the church before communion.

Christian Education

Christian Formation

Wednesdays are reserved for mid-week worship and formation (in-person only). The liturgical season of Lent begins February 22 and is marked by forty days when we reflect individually and as a community on Jesus’ walk to the cross on Good Friday, April 7. Easter Sunday, April 9, we begin the great fifty days when we celebrate and focus on Christ’s resurrection, a period known as Eastertide. This is followed by Pentecost, the birthday of the Church when the Holy Spirit rested on the disciples, empowering them to proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins for everyone who repents and turns towards the LORD God.

5:45-6:30 pm – Adult Lenten Study in the Parish Hall (in-person only)

6:30-7:30 pm – Cub Scout Meeting for ages 6-11 in Connector

Cub Scout Pack 67


Boys and girls, ages 6-11, are welcome to join our scout troop which meets Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. Please contact Kris Neely for further information:

Who’s Who In The Church

Beth 3

The Reverend
Beth P. Hendrix



Robert Carefoot


Anne St. Chris

Anne Denbow

Director of Liturgical Arts

Anita St. Chris

Anita Bruhnke

Parish Administrator


Kathy Ruchala


Contact Us

400 Dupre Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29307

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