St. Christopher's Episcopal Church Logo

Sunday 10 am Holy Eucharist

(In-Person and Live-Streamed on our Youtube)

Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study 10:30-11:30 am

Wednesdays, 5:45 PM (March 12-April 2)

Evening Prayer in the church, followed by Lenten Study for adults in the Parish Hall. Light refreshments will be available.

Please see Our Extended Calendar for current offerings

Holy Week Services – April 2025

Palm Sunday 4/13 Sunday @ 10 am
Maundy Thursday 4/17 Thursday @ 6:30 pm
Good Friday 4/18 Friday @ 6:30 pm
Easter Vigil 4/19 Saturday @ 6:30 pm
Easter Sunday 4/20 Sunday @ 10 am

Welcome to St. Christopher’s

Believe. Worship. Serve.

We believe Holy Scripture brings us together to be a welcoming and open church in worship and service. All are welcome!

Come and see for yourself!

You are invited to “come and see for yourself” the lived community of Jesus Christ. Our worship and Christian Formation are multigenerational, bringing people of all backgrounds and ages together to build relationships and deepen understanding of ourselves through Holy Scripture and study. Our worship style is broad, meaning the dress is casual and comfortable and the liturgy combines the ancient with room for the present. In our embodied worship we laugh and cry and clap and are still in our praise and thanksgiving for our Lord Jesus Christ. No matter where you are in your journey in life and faith, St. Christopher’s offers a place to enter, rest, and remain. We are meant to travel alongside each other, to be a calming presence and good listeners. At St. Christopher’s, we believe, worship, and serve the Lord God by loving and serving one another. Come and see for yourself!

Join us each Sunday for Holy Eucharist, and
weeknights during certain seasons in a service of Evening Prayer
or Compline. We welcome you to join us in worshiping God
through our Lord Jesus Christ.


But do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.   Hebrews 13:14, 15


Worship is the focus of the Music Ministry at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church. Membership in any musical ensemble is open to anyone interested in preparing and presenting sacred music.


Every Sunday, children (birth to age 5) may be brought to the nursery for supervised play. 


Join us each Sunday for Rite II Holy Eucharist and Wednesdays starting September 12th for Celtic Evening Prayer with prayers for healing.


Christian Formation meets after the service. Clergy or lay-led, our education program offers meaningful discussion of Scripture’s application to our daily lives in the Episcopal tradition of inquiry.

Contact Us

400 Dupre Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29307

Phone: 864.585.2858