Worship is the focus of the Music Ministry at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church. Membership in any musical ensemble is open to anyone interested in preparing and presenting sacred music. Music reading skills are a plus, but not required. Please contact Anne Denbow at if interested in participating. We would love to have you!
“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16
Anne Denbow
Director of Liturgical Arts
Margaret Hopper
Section Leaders:
Rebekah Wertz
Kordell Hemphill

If you play an orchestral instrument and are interested in sharing your musical gift during worship services, please call the church office (864-585-2858) or email Anne at

The St. Christopher’s Ringers
Jane Patterson & Anne Denbow, Co-Directors
St. Christopher’s is very fortunate to have a 5-octave set of handbells. We are always looking for new volunteers to expand our current handbell quartet. The handbell quartet is made up of church members who practice and perform intermittently throughout the church year and rotate members as needed. The handbell quartet rehearses in the sanctuary on selected Tuesday evenings from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.

Musicians for Evening Prayer Services
Singers and instrumentalists are invited to assist in our seasonal weekly Wednesday Evening Prayer Services from 5:45 pm till 6:15 pm. The musicians meet at 5:15 pm to rehearse that day’s musical offerings. This is a low-key casual service, so it is a great way to break into the musical scene at St. Christopher’s!
The St. Christopher’s Choir and Summer Singers
The St. Christopher’s Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:15 – 8:30 p.m. in the choir room and on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m. in the sanctuary from the first Wednesday after Labor Day through the Sunday of Pentecost. During the summer months, the Summer Singers meet at 9:15 a.m. on Sundays only. These choirs lead the musical worship every Sunday at the 10:00 a.m. worship service and for other special services throughout the church year, including Christmas Eve, Holy Week Services and occasional Evensongs.
With enough interest, we would love to form a children’s choir! Currently, children are encouraged to join the adults at Wednesday night choir rehearsals for specially selected anthems, which are performed on designated Sundays.
Special Musical Events
On occasion, The St. Christopher’s Choir collaborates with the other churches of the Piedmont Convocation for special musical worship events, i.e., Evensong or All Saints’ Day. Every year on Christmas Eve, the St. Christopher’s Choir presents a half-hour concert at 10:30 pm, preceding the Festival Holy Eucharist at 11:00 pm. Duets and solos are offered by our Professional Section Leaders, in addition to instrumental pieces and choral motets. It is always a beautiful concert and service, both visually and musically!
Saints in the (Lime) Light
We incorporate dramatic skits or readings into our worship from time to time to help amplify the Gospel Lesson of the day particularly on Christmas Eve and during Holy Week. Folks of all ages with thespian tendencies are invited to “step up to the plate” for these effective teaching moments. Children and youth are highly encouraged to participate in this ministry! Please contact Anne Denbow for more information.