Meet Our Vicar:
Reverend Beth Hendrix
The Rev. Beth Hendrix was called to serve as the fourth Vicar of St. Christopher’s in December 2022. Mother Beth+ is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, where she received a Master of Divinity. Her first call was as the Canon for Adult Formation and Family Ministries at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Shreveport, LA. Currently, Mother Beth+ serves on the Diocesan Executive Council and is a member of the Commission on Formation. She is also the Secretary of the DEC Standing Committee. Before seminary, she served in numerous leadership roles across the church, such as Diocesan Executive Council, the Board of Trustees for The Bishop Gravatt Camp and Conference Center, the Diocesan Youth Leadership Commission Event Planner, USC Canterbury Faculty Representative, and Secretary to the Diocesan Convention.
Mother Beth+ is a member of the Companions of the Center for Anglican Communion Studies, a group supporting cross-cultural and international ecumenical relationships through CACS at Virginia Theological Seminary. The Anglican Communion is the worldwide body of affiliated Anglican Churches led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Episcopal Churches led by the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Sean Rowe. She represented Virginia Theological Seminary at the 2022 Lambeth Conference in Canterbury, England, the gathering of world-wide bishops and primates of the Anglican Communion.
Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Mother Beth+ grew up in North Augusta, SC. She is an avid golfer, loves history, and is a tinkerer. She has two sons, Preston and Tenison, two step-children, Joshua and Jordan, and one fur baby, Dolley Madison. Her mother, Nancy, and brother, Frank, live in Central Florida.

Mother Beth+ – Pastoral Care, Liturgy, and Worship
Sr. Warden – Lex Hray
Jr. Warden – Eric Rassell, Buildings & Grounds
Danny Bachman – Youth Activities and Scouts’ Liaison
Karen Barnes – Oyster Roast and Special Projects
Erin Hubbell – Communications
Adam Lochemy – Finance
Lisa McCulley – Christian Formation
Carol Stephen – Outreach and Children’s Formation
Kim Tuck – Website Maintenance
Mary Levens – Clerk of the Vestry
Ruth Anne Hickerson – Treasurer
Kim Tuck – Assistant Treasurer
Vickie Witteveen – Coffee Hour Hosts
Worship Ministry Liaisons
Safe Church certification is required by the Episcopal Church for all who engage in ministry.
The following liaisons schedule worship ministry servers:
Crucifer, Book, Torches, Banners, Chalice, Vergers and Lectors* – Lex Hray
Audio Visual and Live Stream – Bill Canny
Altar Guild – Anita Bruhnke
Choir and Dramatics – Anne Denbow
Flower Guild – Karen Barnes
*Lectors, Acolytes, Chalices, and Eucharistic Visitors are trained by clergy or those authorized by the clergy, and all are to be licensed by the diocese before serving. See Mother Beth+ for Safe Church and other trainings.